
Showing posts from February, 2023

PHONY. disinformation. prostitution. falsehood. THE DIFFERENCES ??? and the similarities. The Phoney War: A Saga of Holding Cornfield and the Apocalyptic Struggle Against Phonyism! let us encourage him on in his hero's journey...

You are not immune to phonyism. A warning from Golden Garfield.  Arise all ye honorable fellows! A diabolical foe has stricken our societal core, like a tumor afflicting and draining the very essence of our civilization! This perfidious enemy, this adversary to all things good, free, and American, goes by the name of PHONYISM. As we speak, the battles in the concrete fields of New York and the boarding schools of Pennsylvania have already begun! Out of this struggle, rises a paragon of anti-phonyism. Our bulwark is of course, the most cantankerous, the supremely apathetic, and the uncompromisingly neurotic HOLDEN CAULFIELD! May the anti-phony saints bless this paragon to lead our holy campaign against the prostitutes, phonies, and shams! --- Phonyism...spreading blatant lies...what's the difference? After all, they both have connotations of things not being the way they seem, and dishonesty. And as we know, the famous narrator of The Catcher in the Rye and janitor in Pencey prep, R